Achieving your dreams is 90% showing up and participating. Showing up to the job daily, going to the gym weekly, eating from home more often, cracking open a book nightly, most of the battle is just getting to the starting line. That is the hardest part. One of my favorite authors Jordan Peterson, known for his phrase and chapter on cleaning your room, and one of my personal favorite quotes to my wife and children, hardest thing you will do all day is make your own bed. It's the easiest battle to lose and it is the first thing you face each morning. Most don't see the point in making a bed, seems meaningless because it will just get messy again in a few hours. I think this is an important first daily battle we face. Fight the inner demon to just walk away and make your bed right when you wake up. It gives you your first win of the day and puts you in the winner mind set of checking this off your list and looking at a nicely made bed instills pride. Feeled with winning and pride you will be ready for the rest of your morning routine and to take on the gym or work.
Bonus points for taking on a challenge to make the rest of your day seem easier in comparison - go for a run, read your bible, spend some time in education, do the cold dip at the gym. That's a personal favorite of my own in which I always say this is going to be the hardest thing I do all day as I am freezing in the cold water. Once it's over the rest of my day the challenges aren't so hard. Well I am raising three teenagers so sometimes I'm psyching myself out that doing the dad thing with hormones and attitudes raging won't be that difficult.
Back to showing up is ninety percent of success so is taking the first step. Taking the first step is the hardest part when trying to make any life change and can often be overwhelming. Summoning the courage and strength to take that first step is like looking up at Everest from the bottom, the near impossibility of the task surges over you. However just like walking its all in that one first step that sets you off balance and into a falling forward motion. All of a sudden you are moving in the direction you want to go in life.
What are you afraid of dealing with right now? That may be where you need to start. The freedom feeling that can come from even the smallest action towards what we are afraid to deal with can be so great. You might become addicted and see it all the way through this time.
Choose today to take one step in the direction of your goals, dreams, desires. Forget about what others have to think or will say and go for it with a small action today.